Super Jeremy Plus" warmup. 21-15-9 of PVC OHS and Burpees, with 2 lengths of bearcrawl, 2 sprints, one crabwalk, and one length of walking lunges.
After the "warmup", we went into team tabata circuits.
4 rounds at each station of DB thrusters, pushups and Mountain climbers.
4 rounds at each station of KB Swings, Situps and superman.
Finally, everyone did 4 rounds of bottom to bottom tabata squats.
Spanish White Beans with Vinaigrette Sauce
Amount to serve 4
1 cup dried white beans1 red or green pepper ( I used a mix of both)
1/2 medium size onion
6 tbsp red wine vinegar
Olive oil
Soak the beans in cold water overnight.
Drain and bring to a boil in 2 liters (7 cups) of water cook at low heat, until they are tender. Drain well and mix with the vinaigrette sauce which is prepared separately.
Vinaigrette Sauce: Mince the onion and the pepper. With a wooden spoon mix both vegetables with the olive oil, the vinegar and the salt. I added in an extra half of a roasted red pepper and a slash of red wine. a dash of black pepper to taste.
500 meters on the rowing machine at level 5
1 minute 40.06 seconds
1 pull up the first minute
2 the second minute
3 the third
I made it to 9. will benchmark that workout .
3 x 90 seconds plank hold
stretching and forearm stand
Saturday night: company party at the Air and Space museum. Thankfully, I only gave out a few unwanted maulings to female coworkers.
Friday night. Birthday party fo

I took the photo in Madrid last summer.
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