Thursday, December 11, 2008


Crossfit and yoga tonight.

CFDC: warm up
10 squats 1 push up
9 squats 2 push ups
8 squats 3 push ups etc down to one

6 X two minute drill
2 min. on 2 min. off
as many rounds as possible of the workout below in each two minute period. I was paired up with Dale.

5 reps 135 dead lift
5 burpees

1st round
3 cycles

2nd round
3 cycles

3rd round
3 cycles

4th round
3 cycles

5th round
2 cycles

6th round
2 cycles

I felt my energy drop off big time after the 4th round. Staying light on my deadlifts to work on form and not push it too much until form is perfect. I don't want a repeat of last years injury

after class I drove up to Bethesda for Winnie's yoga class.

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