Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday crossfit class

4 rounds of 10 Shoulder Dislocates, 10 squats, 10 dive bomber push-ups, and 10 scorpions. Then we went straight into some chaos style madness with the workout of the day:

800m Block Run

30-20-10 reps of

KB Swings
Box Jumps

You could go in whatever order you want as long as you followed the rep scheme.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday November, 17 2008

4.5 mile run on the mall at lunch. Interval sprints on the way back off 100 meters at a 80 stride out pace.

Sunday, Nov. 16 2008

Crossfit class in the AM. worked on snatches and then a conditioning workout at the end rotating 9 65lbs. thursters, 6 pullups, 12 burpees, and 15 situps. the thursters, pullups and situps were fine and almost easy. the BURPEES SUCKED. I hate burpees as they make me want to puke.

90 min. Yoga class at night.