Thursday, May 28, 2009
Zack workout
Tuesdays class metacon workout was dedicated to Zack Tellier. A friend and rugby teammate from college who was killed in Afganistan by small arms fire in 2007. Fu put together a long body weight exercise combo (type favored by Zack). I pushed myself harder than I have in a long long time and finished first at 24:00min. Got a bit emotional doing it but it felt like an appropriate time for a big push in honor of a friend.
Monday, May 25, 2009
new deadlift PR 305lbs.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Crossfit and yoga tonight.
CFDC: warm up
10 squats 1 push up
9 squats 2 push ups
8 squats 3 push ups etc down to one
6 X two minute drill
2 min. on 2 min. off
as many rounds as possible of the workout below in each two minute period. I was paired up with Dale.
5 reps 135 dead lift
5 burpees
1st round
3 cycles
2nd round
3 cycles
3rd round
3 cycles
4th round
3 cycles
5th round
2 cycles
6th round
2 cycles
I felt my energy drop off big time after the 4th round. Staying light on my deadlifts to work on form and not push it too much until form is perfect. I don't want a repeat of last years injury
after class I drove up to Bethesda for Winnie's yoga class.
CFDC: warm up
10 squats 1 push up
9 squats 2 push ups
8 squats 3 push ups etc down to one
6 X two minute drill
2 min. on 2 min. off
as many rounds as possible of the workout below in each two minute period. I was paired up with Dale.
5 reps 135 dead lift
5 burpees
1st round
3 cycles
2nd round
3 cycles
3rd round
3 cycles
4th round
3 cycles
5th round
2 cycles
6th round
2 cycles
I felt my energy drop off big time after the 4th round. Staying light on my deadlifts to work on form and not push it too much until form is perfect. I don't want a repeat of last years injury
after class I drove up to Bethesda for Winnie's yoga class.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
10 reps(?), 3x thru
Shoulder Dislocates
10 reps(?), 3x thru
Max Pull-ups
Samson Stretch
45 lbs. DB
25 reps
20 reps
15 reps
10 reps
5 reps
1-Arm DB Snatches (both left & right)
Jumping Squats
Shoulder Dislocates
10 reps(?), 3x thru
Max Pull-ups
Samson Stretch
45 lbs. DB
25 reps
20 reps
15 reps
10 reps
5 reps
1-Arm DB Snatches (both left & right)
Jumping Squats
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday crossfit class
4 rounds of 10 Shoulder Dislocates, 10 squats, 10 dive bomber push-ups, and 10 scorpions. Then we went straight into some chaos style madness with the workout of the day:
800m Block Run
30-20-10 reps of
KB Swings
Box Jumps
You could go in whatever order you want as long as you followed the rep scheme.
800m Block Run
30-20-10 reps of
KB Swings
Box Jumps
You could go in whatever order you want as long as you followed the rep scheme.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday November, 17 2008
4.5 mile run on the mall at lunch. Interval sprints on the way back off 100 meters at a 80 stride out pace.
Sunday, Nov. 16 2008
Crossfit class in the AM. worked on snatches and then a conditioning workout at the end rotating 9 65lbs. thursters, 6 pullups, 12 burpees, and 15 situps. the thursters, pullups and situps were fine and almost easy. the BURPEES SUCKED. I hate burpees as they make me want to puke.
90 min. Yoga class at night.
90 min. Yoga class at night.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
lunch run with jv of 5+ miles. it is starting to get cold but after a mile or two, I was all work and enjoyed it. still some good leaves on the trees. very pretty if crips weather outside.
tonight at WSC: randome shoulder press workout
5 sets of barbell presses at 95 pounds
4 sets of push press
3 sets of push jerk (need to work on form)
tonight at WSC: randome shoulder press workout
5 sets of barbell presses at 95 pounds
4 sets of push press
3 sets of push jerk (need to work on form)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Monday evening workout
stair workout with Joe
100 burpee pyramid 16:24
3 time up the stairs (double step sprint)
3 times single step sprint
2 times backwards stair walk.
mixed in with the Gtown football team and Tuba Steve on the stairs.
100 burpee pyramid 16:24
3 time up the stairs (double step sprint)
3 times single step sprint
2 times backwards stair walk.
mixed in with the Gtown football team and Tuba Steve on the stairs.
Sunday workout
with No Fun and Dangerous at John Q. Park
50 burpee pyramid
100 push up pyramid
100 meter run
200 meter run
300 meter run
200 meter run
100 meter run
1 lap running backwards
2 x 30 vaulting over balance beam. as man reps as possible in 30 seconds
1 lap running backwards
50 burpee pyramid
100 push up pyramid
100 meter run
200 meter run
300 meter run
200 meter run
100 meter run
1 lap running backwards
2 x 30 vaulting over balance beam. as man reps as possible in 30 seconds
1 lap running backwards
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Wednesday workout
1 hour of sevens at Tenley.
quick evening workout since there was no time during the day for a excercise break.
25 crunches
25 left crunches
25 right crunches
50 bicycle kicks
5 sets db flys and pullups
just a light one tonight. I haven't done a chest workout in long long time.
quick evening workout since there was no time during the day for a excercise break.
25 crunches
25 left crunches
25 right crunches
50 bicycle kicks
5 sets db flys and pullups
just a light one tonight. I haven't done a chest workout in long long time.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
random mix workout
at work gym today.
random mix
50 mountain climbers
3x 50 jump rope - 10 renegade row
7 pullups
1000 meter row
7 pull ups
4 rounds of 7 reps 35 pound thruster - 7 burpee
7 pull ups
5 sets of 7 reps 95 lbs clean and press
7 burpee
7 pull ups
5 burpees
7 pullups
random mix
50 mountain climbers
3x 50 jump rope - 10 renegade row
7 pullups
1000 meter row
7 pull ups
4 rounds of 7 reps 35 pound thruster - 7 burpee
7 pull ups
5 sets of 7 reps 95 lbs clean and press
7 burpee
7 pull ups
5 burpees
7 pullups
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday stairs
Sunday workout
Good CFDC workout Sunday AM. worked on clean and jerks which are an exercise I need to work on for explosive power. I think they will help with the quick burst I am trying to work on in sprinting and rugby sevens. I partnered with Tom using the B class weight.
Workout: In teams of two, complete 7 rounds of...
7 Clean & Jerks
7 Burpees
7 Pull-ups
Weight Classes for the Clean & Jerks
A = 135 lbs
B = 95 lbs
C = 75 lbs
A = 75 lbs
B = 65 lbs
C = 45 lbs
Tom: 17:35
Chris R.: 19:15
David 19:50
Ben: 20:06
Mark: 22:35
Steve 22:40
Ewunike/Mike: 24:09
Maiko/Ami: 26:27
Yoga class at night. Tough after CFDC but much needed. The hips and hamstrings are getting better but still need much work.

Workout: In teams of two, complete 7 rounds of...
7 Clean & Jerks
7 Burpees
7 Pull-ups
Weight Classes for the Clean & Jerks
A = 135 lbs
B = 95 lbs
C = 75 lbs
A = 75 lbs
B = 65 lbs
C = 45 lbs
Tom: 17:35
Chris R.: 19:15
David 19:50
Ben: 20:06
Mark: 22:35
Steve 22:40
Ewunike/Mike: 24:09
Maiko/Ami: 26:27
Yoga class at night. Tough after CFDC but much needed. The hips and hamstrings are getting better but still need much work.

Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.
Sir Winston Churchill
Sir Winston Churchill
Monday, June 23, 2008

Valencia (Spanish: Valencia [baˈlenθja];[1] Valencian: València [vaˈɫɛnsia]) is the capital of the Spanish autonomous community of Valencia and its province. It is the third largest city in Spain. It forms part of an industrial area on the Costa del Azahar.
The estimated population of the city of Valencia proper was 810.064 as of 2007 official statistics. Population of the metropolitan area (urban area plus satellite towns) was 1,738,690 as of 2007.
The estimated population of the city of Valencia proper was 810.064 as of 2007 official statistics. Population of the metropolitan area (urban area plus satellite towns) was 1,738,690 as of 2007.
Monday -Tuesday - Wednesday
Day off today.
Tuesday I can't make CF so I will meet up with JV for a 6 mile lunch time run on the mall.
Wednesday rugby sevens. Pull ups and core work to follow the rugby.
Tuesday I can't make CF so I will meet up with JV for a 6 mile lunch time run on the mall.
Wednesday rugby sevens. Pull ups and core work to follow the rugby.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
If you see a difference between where you are and where you want to be, consciously change your thoughts, words, and actions to match your grandest vision. . . . It will involve . . . a massive move to consciousness. What you will find out if you undertake this challenge is that you've spent half your life unconscious.--Neal Donald Walsch
Saturday June 21, 2008
9am at the stairs with Maiko after a 6 hour happy hour at Jaleo with the folks from work. I think Jamie puked. :)
Worked all the booze out of my systems after a 7 hour sleep with..
15 times up the exorist stairs
with 10 push ups at the end of each trip up.
also added in maybe 5 sets up pullups during the workout.
We didn't go at a crazy pace but got a solid workout in for sure. Maiko did great for a newbie on the stairs.
39 min 43 seconds
we mixed it up with joggin up the stairs, sprinting, and lunge walking.
After the workout I went up to Bethesda to help Winnie train a stroke victim. My job was to lift him out of the wheelchair and into the pool.
Worked all the booze out of my systems after a 7 hour sleep with..
15 times up the exorist stairs
with 10 push ups at the end of each trip up.
also added in maybe 5 sets up pullups during the workout.
We didn't go at a crazy pace but got a solid workout in for sure. Maiko did great for a newbie on the stairs.
39 min 43 seconds
we mixed it up with joggin up the stairs, sprinting, and lunge walking.
After the workout I went up to Bethesda to help Winnie train a stroke victim. My job was to lift him out of the wheelchair and into the pool.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
XMAS week workouts
Did well before XMAS with workouts up in Massachusetts at my sister's Gold's Gym with Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (xmas eve) workouts. They were all a random hodge podge of work with each starting out with my rowing 500 meters on the rower followed by a Jeremy (21-15-9 of Bodyweight squats and buprees). Worked in shoulder press, push press, lunge walks, deadlifts, DB squat cleans, push ups, and plank holds.
Good power workout on Thursday night at crossfit class.
30 Thrusters (45 pound DB)
50 deadlifts (185 barbell)
6 rope climbs (6 pullups or 12 jumping pullups count for a rope climb)
Finished in 6:11.
Hurt my lower back early in class this morning. I did a one rep deadlift of 275 before I was properly warmed up. Bad move. dropped weight and did some more deadlifts and push presses before bagging out of the second half of the workout. Applying ice and taking it easy tonight. Want to be well enough to go out for New Year's and to crossfit at noon on Tuesday.
Good power workout on Thursday night at crossfit class.
30 Thrusters (45 pound DB)
50 deadlifts (185 barbell)
6 rope climbs (6 pullups or 12 jumping pullups count for a rope climb)
Finished in 6:11.
Hurt my lower back early in class this morning. I did a one rep deadlift of 275 before I was properly warmed up. Bad move. dropped weight and did some more deadlifts and push presses before bagging out of the second half of the workout. Applying ice and taking it easy tonight. Want to be well enough to go out for New Year's and to crossfit at noon on Tuesday.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday crossfit and chorizo cooked in sparkling apple cider
5 rounds, done for max reps:
1 minute deadlifts (145 lbs)
1 minute DB thrusters (35 lbs dumbells
1 minute box jumps (high box)
1 minute rest
in a group with Steve. O and Paul
I finished 52 reps the first round (14 deadlift)
48 the second
43 the third
38 the fourt
22 the 5th
next up:
one minute of jumping barbell squats with a 45 barbell over the shoulders
We finished off with :
1 min. of push ups
1 min. of mountain climbers
1 min of plank holds
1 min. of burpees
1 min of plank holds
1 min. of high knees in place
1 min of burpees
as for the chorizo:
poor enough sparkling apple cider to cover half of the sausage (cut in to 1 inch long slices) and cook over medium high heat for 20 min.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday night crossfit class
Max reps completed of: 1 Hang Clean1 Thruster1 Push jerk 2 Burpees
4 sets of 5 minutes
1st round 10
2nd round 11
3rd round 10
4th round 10
I used 40 lbs. DB. I am trying to up the weight and work on form. My cardio and lunges seem to be my strength. Need to keep up the work on explosive power and flexibility.
My form is getting better but I need work work on the shrug portion of the hang clean and on getting my elbows out wide during the shrug. Also need to work on getting my burpees more explosive. Still being gentle on hitting the ground (neck) but need to push it a bit more on the jump up.
4 sets of 5 minutes
1st round 10
2nd round 11
3rd round 10
4th round 10
I used 40 lbs. DB. I am trying to up the weight and work on form. My cardio and lunges seem to be my strength. Need to keep up the work on explosive power and flexibility.
My form is getting better but I need work work on the shrug portion of the hang clean and on getting my elbows out wide during the shrug. Also need to work on getting my burpees more explosive. Still being gentle on hitting the ground (neck) but need to push it a bit more on the jump up.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tuesday Night Crossfit - power bar work and tabata
Tuesday night crossfit class:
Heavy barbell work is an essential aspect of CrossFit, and we will be doing a lot more in the future. Getting that started was the "BEAR" complex. We did seven reps without putting down the bar, and tried to increase weight each of 4 sets.
One rep consisted of:
1 hang clean
1 front squat
1 press
1 behind the neck squat
1 behind the neck press
I started with a 75 pound BB for the first set and progressed to a 95 pound barbell for the next 3 sets.
This was good as I need to work on my explosive movements.
After that, we did a Tabata session. 8 rounds of 4 exercises, one minute rest between them. pushups, squats situps, burpees. We were scored by the lowest amount we completed any round of each exercise.
My low scores were:
push up: 7
squat: 14
situps: 7
burpees: 4
Heavy barbell work is an essential aspect of CrossFit, and we will be doing a lot more in the future. Getting that started was the "BEAR" complex. We did seven reps without putting down the bar, and tried to increase weight each of 4 sets.
One rep consisted of:
1 hang clean
1 front squat
1 press
1 behind the neck squat
1 behind the neck press
I started with a 75 pound BB for the first set and progressed to a 95 pound barbell for the next 3 sets.
This was good as I need to work on my explosive movements.
After that, we did a Tabata session. 8 rounds of 4 exercises, one minute rest between them. pushups, squats situps, burpees. We were scored by the lowest amount we completed any round of each exercise.
My low scores were:
push up: 7
squat: 14
situps: 7
burpees: 4
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday crossfit - chaos 50
50 of each in any order and broken up in any way you choose.
I paired up box jumps and burpees - high pulls alone and push ups- KB swings and situps - push press and lunges- single db snatch alone- sand bag alone.
BOX JUMPS (knee high)
DB PUSH PRESS (25 lbs)
KB SWINGS (20 kg)
37:50 for time
did it on 3 hours sleep after a bit of vodka on Saturday night. Want to try again fresh and compare time.
I paired up box jumps and burpees - high pulls alone and push ups- KB swings and situps - push press and lunges- single db snatch alone- sand bag alone.
BOX JUMPS (knee high)
DB PUSH PRESS (25 lbs)
KB SWINGS (20 kg)
37:50 for time
did it on 3 hours sleep after a bit of vodka on Saturday night. Want to try again fresh and compare time.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Peposa and Monday Turf workout.

Tuesday night cooking - Peposa
This recipe is very famous since it was used when they were building the Duomo in Florence. They raised this meat sauce up to the workers in the scaffolding so they wouldn't lose time. Peposo is a specialty of Impruneta, a town near Florence that's famous for its terracottas. The stew is a fiery exception to the rule that Tuscan cooking is bland, and is also one of the few dishes to have provoked a general strike. According to legend, Brunelleschi tried some while he was scouting tilemakers for the roof of the Duomo. And asked the cook to come to Florence, with a boy agile enough to climb the scaffolding to deliver bowls of stew to the workers building the cathedral (this way they wouldn't loose time climbing down, going elsewhere to buy food, and climbing back up). Brunelleschi's workers went on strike to get their lunch hour back. Had he merely asked the cook to set up a catering stand, the idea would have been a success.
2 lb of beef stew meat
1 small yellow onion
2-3 baby carrots
2-3 garlic cloves
1 celery stalk
2 red peppers
2 T. flour
1 large can of crushed tomatoes
2 1/2 cups of a dry red wine (such as Chianti) - don't skimp.
Olive oil Heat oven to 375
Makes about 6 servings
Chop up vegetables and saute in olive oil for about five minutes. Add vegetables to a large pot/dutch oven, add meat (one could also brown the meat also, but I find this works just as well), salt and pepper, tomatoes, wine and flour (1st mix in about 1/4 C of cold water).Cook for 15 minutes uncovered. Reduce temp to 325 and cover. Cook for about 2 1/2 hours, stirring ocassionally. Sauce should be thick. Uncover if needed.Serve over large slices of toasted Italian bread. Could also be served over large, tubular noodles.
Freeze leftovers.
Monday night workout on the Georgetown Turf. It was very and windy outside. Antother Hour of Power workout. Basically 60 minutes non-stop work.
Warm Up: 2 laps
Box Run: 20X20 box, jog the perimeter, sprint thediagonal. 15 minutes - no rest.
sprints are at 75%- work on burst and cut from jog
2 minute rest
21-15-9 of
sprint out 20 meters and back 1 time
bodyweight squats
3 minutes rest
80% sprint work. Form sprinting
Rolling Start 3 x 50
Rolling Start 3 x 50
Face Down 5 x 35
On Back 5 x 20.
1 minute rest
Baltic Fitness Station: repeat circut 3 times
1 minute of high knees in place
1 minute plank hold (arms up)
1 minute bicycle kicks
30 seconds rest
quick 50 crunches
1 minute rest
quick rotation
1 time through of 100 jump rope
push ups (while Joe did jump rope)
mountain climbers (while Dave did jump rope)
100 jumping pullups on the soccer goal (that sucked) broeken up into 2 sets of 30 and two of 20.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Weekend workout
Super Jeremy Plus" warmup. 21-15-9 of PVC OHS and Burpees, with 2 lengths of bearcrawl, 2 sprints, one crabwalk, and one length of walking lunges.
After the "warmup", we went into team tabata circuits.
4 rounds at each station of DB thrusters, pushups and Mountain climbers.
4 rounds at each station of KB Swings, Situps and superman.
Finally, everyone did 4 rounds of bottom to bottom tabata squats.
Spanish White Beans with Vinaigrette Sauce
Amount to serve 4
1 cup dried white beans1 red or green pepper ( I used a mix of both)
1/2 medium size onion
6 tbsp red wine vinegar
Olive oil
Soak the beans in cold water overnight.
Drain and bring to a boil in 2 liters (7 cups) of water cook at low heat, until they are tender. Drain well and mix with the vinaigrette sauce which is prepared separately.
Vinaigrette Sauce: Mince the onion and the pepper. With a wooden spoon mix both vegetables with the olive oil, the vinegar and the salt. I added in an extra half of a roasted red pepper and a slash of red wine. a dash of black pepper to taste.
500 meters on the rowing machine at level 5
1 minute 40.06 seconds
1 pull up the first minute
2 the second minute
3 the third
I made it to 9. will benchmark that workout .
3 x 90 seconds plank hold
stretching and forearm stand
Saturday night: company party at the Air and Space museum. Thankfully, I only gave out a few unwanted maulings to female coworkers.
Friday night. Birthday party fo
r an old roommate at some turkish tapas bar on U St.
I took the photo in Madrid last summer.
Super Jeremy Plus" warmup. 21-15-9 of PVC OHS and Burpees, with 2 lengths of bearcrawl, 2 sprints, one crabwalk, and one length of walking lunges.
After the "warmup", we went into team tabata circuits.
4 rounds at each station of DB thrusters, pushups and Mountain climbers.
4 rounds at each station of KB Swings, Situps and superman.
Finally, everyone did 4 rounds of bottom to bottom tabata squats.
Spanish White Beans with Vinaigrette Sauce
Amount to serve 4
1 cup dried white beans1 red or green pepper ( I used a mix of both)
1/2 medium size onion
6 tbsp red wine vinegar
Olive oil
Soak the beans in cold water overnight.
Drain and bring to a boil in 2 liters (7 cups) of water cook at low heat, until they are tender. Drain well and mix with the vinaigrette sauce which is prepared separately.
Vinaigrette Sauce: Mince the onion and the pepper. With a wooden spoon mix both vegetables with the olive oil, the vinegar and the salt. I added in an extra half of a roasted red pepper and a slash of red wine. a dash of black pepper to taste.
500 meters on the rowing machine at level 5
1 minute 40.06 seconds
1 pull up the first minute
2 the second minute
3 the third
I made it to 9. will benchmark that workout .
3 x 90 seconds plank hold
stretching and forearm stand
Saturday night: company party at the Air and Space museum. Thankfully, I only gave out a few unwanted maulings to female coworkers.
Friday night. Birthday party fo

I took the photo in Madrid last summer.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sunday workout and food
Morning crossfit work:
deadlift and push press form followed by:
100 jump rope
15 45lbs. Thrusters
100 mountain climbers
Sunday night yoga class. Last class until the New Year. Need to keep up with it for 25 min. a day while class is off! It has paid big dividends in my flexibility and feeling good in general.
Today's cooking: Veggie Curry
1 C onions
2.5 tsp curry powder, or to taste
1 t cumin
1/2 tsp crushed hot peppers (optional)
1 C evaporated skim milk (small can)
2 C potatoes, cubed
2 C crushed tomatoes
1 C carrots, chopped
2 C broccoli florets
1-2 C cauliflower
Cook onions until soft, add curry powder, cumin and red pepper until fragrant. Add milk, bring to boil. Add potatoes and tomatoes. Cover and simmer until potatoes are tender, but not mushy. Add rest and simmer until tender. Add a little water if needed to keep moisture.
Should make about 4 servings.
Serve with rice.
deadlift and push press form followed by:
100 jump rope
15 45lbs. Thrusters
100 mountain climbers
Sunday night yoga class. Last class until the New Year. Need to keep up with it for 25 min. a day while class is off! It has paid big dividends in my flexibility and feeling good in general.
Today's cooking: Veggie Curry
1 C onions
2.5 tsp curry powder, or to taste
1 t cumin
1/2 tsp crushed hot peppers (optional)
1 C evaporated skim milk (small can)
2 C potatoes, cubed
2 C crushed tomatoes
1 C carrots, chopped
2 C broccoli florets
1-2 C cauliflower
Cook onions until soft, add curry powder, cumin and red pepper until fragrant. Add milk, bring to boil. Add potatoes and tomatoes. Cover and simmer until potatoes are tender, but not mushy. Add rest and simmer until tender. Add a little water if needed to keep moisture.
Should make about 4 servings.
Serve with rice.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
877 stairs. Firenze, Italia workout. Giorno 6

No formal workout for this day however lost of exercise. I took the train to Firenze for the afternoon and climbed to the top of Il Duomo di Firenze (463 stairs) and Giotto's campanile/bell tower (414 stairs) before feasting on bistecca alla fiorentina.
sized piece of near raw steak seared on wood coals and seasoned with olive oil, garlic and salt. It was awesome. Insalata mista and a bottle of Chianti to top it off.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Italy day 4
4 min. downward facing dog
10 30 meter sprints (80%)
100 pushups
100 squats
100 bike kicks
100 step ups. (knee high)
100 bench dips
in Giardini Margherita
10 30 meter sprints (80%)
100 pushups
100 squats
100 bike kicks
100 step ups. (knee high)
100 bench dips
in Giardini Margherita
Monday, November 12, 2007
Italy day 3
you can get it done anywhere. Even in the corner of a cramped apt. in Bologna. The shirt on the floor was my situp mat.
tabata workout
20 seconds on 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes of each
SITUPS (no tabata. just 4 min of situps straight)
5 min of downward facing dog pose
11/10 Walked all over city, climbed tower, shopping, eating, and gelato.
11/9 DC to Madrid at 6pm, changed plans in Madrid for Bologna. Took the Areobus from the Bologna airport to the trainstation and then two local buses to get Aleja's keys. Body crashed when I got to the apartment. A whole lot of pizza at night.
6am Fight gone bad
yoga at Citifitness
you can get it done anywhere. Even in the corner of a cramped apt. in Bologna. The shirt on the floor was my situp mat.
tabata workout
20 seconds on 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes of each
SITUPS (no tabata. just 4 min of situps straight)
5 min of downward facing dog pose
11/10 Walked all over city, climbed tower, shopping, eating, and gelato.
11/9 DC to Madrid at 6pm, changed plans in Madrid for Bologna. Took the Areobus from the Bologna airport to the trainstation and then two local buses to get Aleja's keys. Body crashed when I got to the apartment. A whole lot of pizza at night.
6am Fight gone bad
yoga at Citifitness
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